Host A Drive

What is a Diaper Drive?

The diaper bank movement was born in 1994, when a small Tucson firm organized a diaper collection to benefit a local crisis nursery, the first “December Diaper Drive.”

Diaper Drives continue to be an important, community-based source of diapers. Diaper Drives bring IN diapers and get OUT our message!

Virtual Drives

Launched amidst COVID-19 event cancelations, “Virtual Diaper Drives” fundraise for diaper purchase using crowdfunding and social media!

With monetary donations, we can triple buying power and purchase the most-needed items.

Period Supply Drives

Instead of or in addition to diapers, groups may collect period supplies and/or fundraise specifically for period supplies purchase. We currently are in need of tampons. 


4,870 Diapers Raised

St. Augustine High School

5,120 Diapers Raised


14,980 Diapers Raised

Angel Kids

9,550 Diapers Raised

1. set a date › 2. SET A GOAL › 3. REGISTER YOUR DRIVE › 4. Host Your drive › 5. DELIVER YOUR DONATIONS!

Drive Toolkits

All the best tips & tools to plan
and promote a successful drive,
all in one place.